Board: Chris Dean, Dan Davis, Marc
Foreman, Connie Andersen
Attendees: Gordon & Loretta Slater, David & Barbara
Call to Order-
Chris Dean
meeting was called to order at 6:07 p.m.
Approval meeting
last meeting - Connie Andersen
were approved by the board.
Review of
financial statements – Dan Davis
Davis reported the HOA has $95,000 in the savings and $25,000 in the checking. The January net profit was $3,575. Dan said we have been averaging $3,600 net
profit for the last 2-3 months.
River Past Due Report – Dan reviewed the current and arrear’s status.
DNR regulation
of irrigation systems – Chris Dean
distributed a letter from DNR regarding Missouri Backflow Prevention. The letter states that all underground water
systems have a backflow valve and be inspected by a certified inspector each
year. The estimated inspection cost is
$40 per year and backflow valve installation would be approximately $230. Steve from White River can do the
inspections. The POA will also keep a list of homeowners who have an
underground water system and their compliance status. Chris stated that this is a government mandate,
and at this point we do not know if there is a penalty if the homeowner does
not comply. White River informed Chris
and John that the POA cannot provide the homeowner water if they are not in
compliance. Chris will send a letter to all homeowners regarding the new
regulation (letter is on the blog). We
have approximately eight irrigation systems in the subdivision.
Action on Past
Due Accounts – Dan Davis
Due Reports – Dan reviewed the Past Due reports. We have two lots and one property that are
owned by the banks. Dan is trying to
recuperate the dues that are in arrears from the banks.
Review of Water
and Sewer systems- John Goff
Leaks in lines –
reported that we have had a couple
of smaller leaks. John said he checks the water volume to
determine if we need to contact White River so we do not have to pay travel
fees for smaller jobs. White River will
be here next Thursday to make all repairs in one road trip.
replacement at well and sewer plant – John Goff
reviewed the needed repairs on the water and sewer systems. There are a number of things that need to repaired/replaced: capacitor and booster pump (new one is on
order), flush hydrant, air pump, flush value and shut-off value (sewer plant),
valve (well house).
also installed a sock filter and in
the future we are required to obtain a permit.
Insurance – John asked if the HOA has earthquake insurance for our water and
sewer system. Dan will check on the cost
of the earthquake insurance.
Plan to repair
roads – Chris Dean
stated we need to plan for road repairs and will contact contractors for bids
on necessary repairs. Chris said we will
need to prioritize and to repair the worst areas first.
discussed road repair and potential cost. David suggested assessment or
increase in HOA dues to cover cost of getting the roads redone.
Work around POA
– Chris Dean
said that the following needs to be completed:
Trim trees around water tank, remove brush on roadways, clear waterline
right of ways (Jackson, Bethany, dam to Dunn’s house, trim trees around water
tanks, put eve spouts on well house, and remove trees near the sewer plant.
Rivers and Gordon Slater will coordinate the hiring inside the subdivision. We may need to hire a bonded contractor for
larger jobs. John suggested a contractor
cut the trees and the HOA could do the tree cleanup. David and Gordon will submit a bid to the
board for the total cost. The Well house
needs an eves spout and Dave and Gordon said they could do this.
Swimming Pool
and Club house- Marc Foreman
conditioner in Main Room Clubhouse. Chris
said the heat pump needs to be repaired or replaced. A new unit can be installed without cutting
out the ceiling. Chris will start
getting estimates on a new heat pump – moderate price for four-ton is
$9,000. Marc made the motion, Dan
seconded, and all were in favor of Chris obtaining bids for the Board’s review.
Pool - Marc stated that the pool filter has been used for three years and will
need to be replaced - $900. The pool
will need the normal painting/sealing. Discussion
ensued on installing a railing in the pool.
Marc made the motion, Dan seconded and all were in favor of Marc obtaining
an estimate on installing a hand rail in the pool.
system - Marc stated that the security camera works for the swimming pool and
does not work for the dumpsters. Our
system would not be able to cover the dumpster area – pictures would be grainy.
Old Items- Chris
Dean - Chris
said the ditch on Oak Creek Circle will be cleaned out.
Adjournment – The meeting
adjourned at 7:25 a.m. Chris motioned to
close the meeting, Dan seconded, all were in favor.
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