The May 8, 2023 was called to order by Chris Dean, President, at 10:00 am with 13 present.
There are no past due fees at this time.
The Profit and Loss Statement was gone over and Rebecca stated that the $14,000 reserved would be gone by the end of the year. Repair of the roads needed to be done before winter.
It was moved and seconded that $25,000 be put on the loan at Table Rock Bank. Motion carried.
Chris Dean will get bids for repair of the cracks in the road.
There are some of the Covent’s being changed: Boats being parked in the driveways, Trailers parked in the driveways, and Work Trucks being parked in the driveways.
Ozark Clean Water Company wants to present a program on purchasing our well and treatment plants to keep them up and running and to put meters on all the houses to pay for water usage. Chris Dean will get with them and set a date and time for this presentation.
The Dillard’s Property is in the process of being sold and an Easement from White River Valley Electric was presented to attach to the transformer for our Treatment Plant and we granted it.
We discussed vacating the roads to keep them private, as we do not know how the property would be developed. It will cost $50.00 per household to this and up to $5000.00 to have the lawyer complete it. Chris Hedenberg made a motion to vacate the roads and Mike Brandsma seconded the motion. Motion carried. Rebecca to contact the lawyer and get it started.
Chris Dean stated that June 10, 2023 at 9:00 am would be the election and that we needed an election committee appointed. Chris Hedenberg stated that she will not be running for secretary again as her house is up for sale and she and her husband are moving out of the neighborhood.
Mike Brandsma stated that sledge had been taken out of the water system.
The Builder on Bethany said one house was finished and the second house was near completion. The house on Oak Creek Circle will be completed in 120 days.
All DNR’s need to be turned in as soon as possible as this is a state requirement.
The underground watering systems need to be inspected each year and this form turned into the board.
Marc Foreman stated that he hoped to have to pool open by May 26th.
The Tennis Court fence needs to be fixed and the approximate cost is around $2500.00.
A motion was made and seconded that we adjourn.
Respectfully submitted
Chris Hedenberg
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