Thursday, June 15, 2023


Attendees:  Christina John, Chris and Sandy Dean, G. Ann Foreman, Marc Foreman, Roy and Andrea Liljegren, Phil and Angie Carroll, Brent and Erica Holland, Mike Pearson, Gary McNutt, Brian and MaryAnn Wood, Mike Brandsma, Greg and Karen Winters, Barbara Rivers, Diane Hopkins-Broyles, Margie Brokate, Chris Petersen



Call to Order:

Chris Dean called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m.

Establish Quorum  25% (31)

It was established there was a quorum present, members in attendance had no questions.

Election of Board

1.       Wiling to Serve

·         President- Chris Dean

·         Vice President  - Marc Foreman

·         Treasure  - Rebecca Moody 

·         Secretary -

2.       Nomination from floor for open Secretary position

·         Diane Hopkins-Broyles nominated Angie Carroll,  Mike Brandsma second.  By show of hands (16 votes ) motion carried,  Angie Carroll elected Secretary.

·         Mike Pearson nominated the existing officers, Barbara Rivers second.  By show of hands (16 votes) motion carried.

·         Appoint clerks to count votes:

Margie Brokate and MaryAnn Wood were appointed to count votes.  Chris Dean, Marc Foreman, Rebecca Moody and Angie Carroll received the majority of votes.

Budget Report

·         Presented by Chris Dean (Rebecca Moody not present)  Any member who wishes to have a balance sheet, one will be emailed.

Standing Reports:

·         Swimming Pool Report – Mark Foreman

Marc reported the pool is holding water and running well.

·         Water Usage -   Mike Brandsma

Mike reported the usage this time of year is normal.  Bladders have been changed out.  Sewer cleaned out and no problems were found.  Water schedule has been emailed out to members.



It was suggested the board better communicate upcoming meetings.  Members are directed to


The Facebook page was discussed and suggests the administrators Judy and Travis Palmer and Chris Hedenberg clean up the page since there are some on the page that no longer live in the neighborhood. 


Thank you to all the volunteers who cleaned up around pool, clubhouse, planted flowers and fixed backboards.



A motion was made at 10:25 a.m. to adjourn the meeting by Gary McNutt and was seconded by Phil Carroll.  All were in favor.


Respectfully submitted

Angie Carroll

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