Call to Order-
Chris Dean
meeting was called to order at 6 p.m.
1. Reading of
Minutes- Connie Andersen
Minutes from Feb.10 Board meeting
were approved and have been posted on the blog.
2. Additions to the Agenda
Facebook Page - Margie
Brokate suggested that Oak Creek Parkway create a private Facebook page for the
subdivision. Chris asked if there were
any objections to Margie setting a Facebook page. Everyone was in agreement. Margie will set this up.
Clubhouse Payoff – David Rivers
said he would like to see the subdivision pay off our clubhouse mortgage debt
so we can start fresh and save the money from the monthly clubhouse payments ($1,200)
and build our reserve for road repair, etc. David will submit a formal proposal and present
this at the POA Election meeting on May 14.
David also said everyone has done a great job keeping our expenses down.
Clubhouse Air
– Chris said he has called for repair on the air conditioner, and should know
the costs in next couple of weeks.
List of
Homeowners & Phone Numbers – Maggie Pitt said she would like to
have an updated HOA list.
Budget Report- Dan
Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss (Feb 2015 – Mar 2016) were reviewed.
Past Due Report-
Dan Davis
reported - one HOA member will receive a water shut-off notice, and two HOA
members are one month behind.
Al stated that two vacant
lots in the subdivision sold at the courthouse for back taxes. Dan Davis has sent notifications to the
company that now owns the lots, but they are not responding. Al said the dues owed on the lots stay with
the lots upon foreclosure. Owners cannot
sell these lots without paying the back dues.
Election of
Board- Chris Dean
May 14, 2016 1:00 p.m. BL 3.03, Election
Chris announced the Election of
the Board Meeting will be held Saturday May 14 @ 1 p.m. at the Clubhouse.
Election Committee
– Chris
asked for volunteers to serve on the Election Committee. There were no volunteers. Contact Connie Andersen if you would like to
run for office. Chris said that nominations
will also be accepted at the Election meeting.
Chris will send out a proxy ballot with the candidates running. These will be mailed to HOA members about a
week before the meeting.
Chris said to
forward your email address to Connie Andersen, Secretary @ oakcreek20006@yahoo.com Oak Creek has created a group mailing list
that will be used for business purposes only.
Chris said in order to receive email notifications regarding water
shutoff, etc., we will need your email address.
Water and Sewer
Report- John Goff
1. Water & Sewer
John reported they have a
purchased a new booster pump. The old
pump was probably hit by lightning, two flush hydrants and shut off valves were
also purchased. A new motor has been installed in the sand filter.
John thanked Mike Brandsma, Gordon Slater, and David Rivers for helping
with the POA water and sewer systems along with Jimmy John, Bob Pilecki,
Gordon Slater, and Larry Adams.
2. Cross connection prevention Program DNR regulation
Chris has posted information on
the blog and stated that the underground sprinkler systems must have a backflow
valve and be inspected by a certified inspector. Inspections are required to be done annually
and all paperwork must be kept by the POA.
It is the responsibility of the homeowner to have the certification and
forward to the POA. There are
approximately eight homes in the subdivision that have underground sprinkler
systems. The Association is responsible
for enforcement and Chris stated a good
time to have this done is this fall.
Steve Harp from White River is certified and home owners can contact him. The DNR states that we cannot provide water
to homes that do not comply.
3. Ozark Environmental purchased White River
Chris said that we have not been
formally notified but understand that Ozark Environmental has purchased White
River Environmental. We have been informed
that everything will remain the same. We
will keep everyone updated on any changes that may occur during the transition.
Club house and
Swimming Pool Report- Marc Foreman
pool leak - Marc said that we
received a bid for a handrail/installation for the swimming pool from Rhodes
Custom Pool. Marc said he will be
checking on the water leak in the pool.
He stated the hydrostatic valve in the bottom of pool may need repair. If this is not the issue Marc will contact
Rhodes Custom Pool. Marc said that we
will need to purchase a new mesh tarp this fall.
use of private and community property
Oak Creek Sign - Chris stated that letters to
the Oak Creek Parkway sign have been stolen twice. Walt Pitt made the replacement letters (O and
C). If anyone sees anything suspicious
call 911 non-emergency.
Vacant Lots - Chris stated that subdivision vacant
lots are privately owned, and it is considered theft to clear/remove trees and
other vegetation from these lots.
Report- Chris Dean- John Goff
said the 4-5 year plan is to repair the roads in sections, and he will be
bringing in a professional for recommendations.
The meeting was
adjourned at 7:25 p.m. Al motioned to adjourn, Walt seconded, all were in
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