Oak Creek Parkway Property Owners Association
17, 2014 6:00 p.m. Club House
A. Call to Order- Chris Dean
Chris called the meeting to order at 6:03 p.m. Chris asked the members if there were any additions to the agenda. No additions were requested.
B. Budget Report- Dan Davis
Dan provided copies of the Profit and Loss statement and Balance Sheet to the HOA members. He stated that we had very costly water repairs last year. The savings account balance is $50,000 and checking account balance $17,000.
C. Election of Board- Chris Dean
Chris announced the election date is May 17, 2014 at 1 p.m.
Chris stated that we need an Election Committee.
- Contact Al Mitchell if you would like to serve on the committee
- Contact Connie if you would like to run for office.
D. Water and Sewer Report- John Goff
John reported last summer we had major water repair expenses due to a possible lightning hit on the well house. We lost two booster pumps, a supply line pressure valve was damaged, and a blower motor had to be replaced at the treatment plant. We ordered a booster and blower motor, and now have a spare of each, as well as, an ultraviolet light.
We are pumping approx. 23,000 gal. water per day.
John also stated that last fall a tree service cleared trees along the water pipes. In August we will have additional tree clearing to eliminate tree root damage to the main water pipes.
John reported that a sewer line was extended to the last house on Angora Road last summer. This resulted in water issues in Marc Forman’s yard. We will obtain a bid to put a French drain on Marc’s property to resolve the issue. This should not be a big expense.
E. Club house and Swimming Pool Report- Marc Foreman
Marc reported that the pool will open Memorial Day weekend. Maggie asked about the pool leak. Marc said he thinks the leak is in the floor drain and will check this out.
Chris asked members to call 911 to report suspicious/destruction activity and/or after hour pool use.
Chris stated that we also need someone to inspect the clubhouse periodically to assure that everything is in working order and make minor repairs if needed.
Chris said that if anyone would like to reserve the clubhouse to call Marc.
F. Past Due Fees Report- Dan Davis
Remove services to property owners who are delinquent. –Chris Dean
Chris stated that when a bank foreclosing on a property the bank is not responsible for any back HOA fees. Chris reported that the board setup a new policy to shut off the water and sewer on homeowners/occupants who are 90 days past due. White River will do the actual water shutoffs and reconnects. The Homeowner will pay for the shut off and reconnect fees.
The board passed the water shut off policy and Chris asked the members to review the policy. John Goff made a motion to accept and Larry Adams seconded the motion. Members present voted – 13 Yes and none were opposed to the board’s actions.
Road Report - Chris Dean- John Goff
Chris stated that since the costly water repairs from last year have been completed, we can focus on the road issues. The cost for a two-inch cap Austin and Jackson a few years ago was $75,000 and material costs have increased since then. We have made other repairs on the roads, and are hoping that sometime in the future the county will take over Austin Place and Jackson Lane. The county would require Oak Creek Parkway to add a 2” cap at that time. Andrew Drive, Oak Creek Circle and Bethany would remain private roads, and we would be responsible to maintain. Angora is a county road all the way to Million Oaks.
John thanked the Board and homeowners for all their work and efforts. We have been in the subdivision for 11 years and have made great process.
G. Adjournment
Walt made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Al seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 6:58 p.m.
Chris called the meeting to order at 6:03 p.m. Chris asked the members if there were any additions to the agenda. No additions were requested.
B. Budget Report- Dan Davis
Dan provided copies of the Profit and Loss statement and Balance Sheet to the HOA members. He stated that we had very costly water repairs last year. The savings account balance is $50,000 and checking account balance $17,000.
C. Election of Board- Chris Dean
Chris announced the election date is May 17, 2014 at 1 p.m.
Chris stated that we need an Election Committee.
- Contact Al Mitchell if you would like to serve on the committee
- Contact Connie if you would like to run for office.
D. Water and Sewer Report- John Goff
John reported last summer we had major water repair expenses due to a possible lightning hit on the well house. We lost two booster pumps, a supply line pressure valve was damaged, and a blower motor had to be replaced at the treatment plant. We ordered a booster and blower motor, and now have a spare of each, as well as, an ultraviolet light.
We are pumping approx. 23,000 gal. water per day.
John also stated that last fall a tree service cleared trees along the water pipes. In August we will have additional tree clearing to eliminate tree root damage to the main water pipes.
John reported that a sewer line was extended to the last house on Angora Road last summer. This resulted in water issues in Marc Forman’s yard. We will obtain a bid to put a French drain on Marc’s property to resolve the issue. This should not be a big expense.
E. Club house and Swimming Pool Report- Marc Foreman
Marc reported that the pool will open Memorial Day weekend. Maggie asked about the pool leak. Marc said he thinks the leak is in the floor drain and will check this out.
Chris asked members to call 911 to report suspicious/destruction activity and/or after hour pool use.
Chris stated that we also need someone to inspect the clubhouse periodically to assure that everything is in working order and make minor repairs if needed.
Chris said that if anyone would like to reserve the clubhouse to call Marc.
F. Past Due Fees Report- Dan Davis
Remove services to property owners who are delinquent. –Chris Dean
Chris stated that when a bank foreclosing on a property the bank is not responsible for any back HOA fees. Chris reported that the board setup a new policy to shut off the water and sewer on homeowners/occupants who are 90 days past due. White River will do the actual water shutoffs and reconnects. The Homeowner will pay for the shut off and reconnect fees.
The board passed the water shut off policy and Chris asked the members to review the policy. John Goff made a motion to accept and Larry Adams seconded the motion. Members present voted – 13 Yes and none were opposed to the board’s actions.
Road Report - Chris Dean- John Goff
Chris stated that since the costly water repairs from last year have been completed, we can focus on the road issues. The cost for a two-inch cap Austin and Jackson a few years ago was $75,000 and material costs have increased since then. We have made other repairs on the roads, and are hoping that sometime in the future the county will take over Austin Place and Jackson Lane. The county would require Oak Creek Parkway to add a 2” cap at that time. Andrew Drive, Oak Creek Circle and Bethany would remain private roads, and we would be responsible to maintain. Angora is a county road all the way to Million Oaks.
John thanked the Board and homeowners for all their work and efforts. We have been in the subdivision for 11 years and have made great process.
G. Adjournment
Walt made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Al seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 6:58 p.m.
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