Wednesday, June 11, 2014

General Meeting May 2014

Oak Creek Parkway Property Owners Association
Election Meeting
May 17, 2014 1:00 p.m. Club House

A.     Call to Order
Chris called the meeting to order at 1:02 p.m.

B.     Establish Quorum 25% (31)
Chris stated that we need 31 votes to establish a quorum.  Chris said that the board can exercise the votes of property owners that did not vote per the covenants and the board can exercise votes from lot owner with 28 lots.  The board voted “yes” to exercise these 28 votes.  A quorum was established.
C.     Election of Board
Chris opened the floor for nominations for Directors of the Board.
President – Chris Dean was nominated and John Goff seconded.
Vice President - Marc Forman was nominated and Dick Andersen seconded.
Secretary - Connie Andersen was nominated and Al Mitchell seconded.
Treasurer – Dan Davis was nominated and Walt seconded.
Chris made a motion that the nominations cease and Dick Andersen seconded. Walt Pitt and Al Mitchell volunteered to count the votes.  The votes were counted verifying voter eligibility.
·         14 votes present
·         4 votes given to Board Members
·         28 proxy votes from lot owner. 
·         46 votes total

The newly appointed Board Members were presented.
D.     Budget Report
a.      Balance Sheet
Connie reported as of April 30 the checking account balance is $22,550.40 and the savings account is $50,130.80 for a total of $72,690.20.  The total amount due on the Clubhouse is $99,094.01.

b.      Past dues
Chris stated that our past due accounts have reached $19,000.  Chris explained the water will be shut off on HOA members who are 90 days in arrears on their HOA dues.  Registered letters will be mailed to HOA members who are 60 days past due notifying them that their water will be shut off when they reach 90 days past due.  A second registered letter will be mailed notifying the homeowner that they are 90 days past due and their water will be shut off.  White River Electric will turn off the water and an officer will be present.  Dan Davis will send the letters the end of May after receiving the Open Balance Report.

E.     Swimming Pool- Marc Foreman
Marc announced that he filled the pool last week and the water level dropped two feet in two days.  The leak stops when the water level drops two feet in the pool.  Marc will calk and fill in all the seams.  Hopefully, this should take care of the leak. 
Mike Pearson will check the children’s playground equipment to see if it is repairable.  Mike said he could tear down or repair the playground furniture.  Marc is checking on prices to replace the pool furniture.  Chris will check on the two lights not working by the clubhouse.   Chris reminded everyone to call the sheriff for any issues with the pool.
Mike Pearson wanted everyone to be aware that there is a blog for the Oak Creek Parkway Covenants and Bylaws – go the Oak Creek Parkway blogspot POA.
F.      Water usage – John Golf
John reported that the Watering Schedule will start the first of June.  You can view the Oak Creek Parkway blog for the Watering Schedule.  Chris stated that one inch of water a week is sufficient for lawns otherwise the roots will not grow deep.  You may view the blog for the University Extension’s recommendations on lawn maintenance.

John said that a spare air pump for the sewer system has been ordered since it takes three months to get a new pump.

G.    Trash Dumpster (added to agenda)
Chris announced that two trash dumpsters will be replaced with front end dumpsters.  The new dumpsters will have two lids (front and back) not six as we currently have.

Homeowners discussed the disposal of old appliances, etc.  These can be taken to the metal scrap place for cash.

John said we need a place to dispose lawn waste.  Chris suggested scheduling a pickup day.  A waste hauling company would be hired to pick up yard waste and tree limbs.  Chris said we can call Jared to push the yard waste pile back (located on the way down to the Water Treatment Center).  Chris stated that he will include the water schedule and allowable recyclable items in the next newsletter.  No water issues or shortages.  We have had excellent reports from DNR for the water since John took over.  We now complete a quarterly report instead of a monthly report.

Chris said he had extra forms if anyone would like to complete and submit to White River Electric regarding increased cost of electricity generated by coal.  If you want to say “no” complete the card and send back to White River Electric.

Mike moved that the meeting be adjourned and John Goff seconded the motion with acclamation for the new board.

Meeting was adjourned at 1:58 p.m. 

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