Chris Dean called meeting to order.
May 5, 2024 minutes were approved.
No additions to agenda
Budget Report
Report was given by Rebecca Moody. Noted that $10,000 was budgeted for payment to rebuild the walkway at sewer plant. Resealing roads needs to be done within two years. There was a “scenario” sheet presented by Rebecca with different options to pay for the sealing of roads. It was decided not to touch bank account. Further discussion was tabled until next meeting with the new board in place.
Standing Reports:
PAST DUE FEES: Rebecca reported three properties continue to be passed due.
WATER/SEWER: Mike Brandsma reported currently all going well. It was communicated the walkway and ramps would be soon repaired. Cost of that repair for galvanized steel estimated to be $9,500.00. Brandsma communicated that Blevins came in with the best proposal of three phone bids. Further discussion led to a motion from Rebecca Moody. Any bid equal to or over $5,000.00 for work, the POA board will get a minimum of two written bids with the exception of emergencies (water and sewer). These bids will be documented and presented in the next general meeting. It was communicated that the POA Board will still do contracts per covenants. Second by Chris Hedenberg, motion carried.
POA must have all back flow reports per federal law, send those reports to Angie Carroll to record.
Watering schedule will be emailed out soon.
SWIMMING POOL: Marc Foreman reported all is well with the pool and hopes to have the pool open May 24.
Election meeting will be held June 1, 2024, 9 a.m. at the clubhouse. If you would like to nominate an individual to the board, please email Angie Carroll.
A new email and communication system is being put in place. Those communication emails will move over to the Secretary.
Addendums to the By-Laws: There are two minor changes regarding leniency to parking trailers. Those addendums were not available at the meeting and will be addressed at the election meeting next month.
Status of Litigation:
To date there has been $3,200.00 spent in legal fees with the quiet title dispute.
Deadline for the Spence mediated agreement is May 15, 2024
Mike Brandsma made a motion to adjourn, Mary Ann Wood second the motion, motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Angie Carroll
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