Thursday, June 30, 2016

Election Meeting

Election Meeting
May 14, 2016 1:00 p.m. Club House

A.    Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 1 p.m.

B.     Establish Quorum 25% (31)
A quorum was established with 25% to include votes cast and exercising the proxies of property owners that did not return a proxy- per the covenants.
C.    Election of Board

Open floor for Nomination for Directors of the Board
Chris opened the floor for nominations.  No other nominations were made.  John Goff moved to close the nominations and accept the current board of directors and Eddie Broyles  seconded the motion, all were in favor.  The incumbent  board serving next year are Chris Dean - President, Marc Foreman -  Vice President, Dan Davis - Treasurer, Connie Andersen – Secretary.
D.    Budget Report – Dan Davis
-Profit & Loss for May 2015 – April 2016:  Income $118,000 and Net Income $26,000. 
 We are averaging $2,500/month net income.
-Profit & Loss Jan – Apr 2016:  Income $41,774, Expenses $10,255.
-Balance Sheet Apr 2016 – Checking $29,730, Saving $95,326 = $125,056
Dan gave an update on the HOA expenses – water, sewer plant, utilities, insurance and other expenses.  Connie will send the Profit and Loss Statement if anyone requests it.

E.     Proposal to pay-off Club House- David Rivers
Discussion on paying off the clubhouse and repairing the roads with a 2” cap on Austin Place.  Chris said he contacted Advanced Paving to obtain a bid and has not received the final bid yet.  Chris also stated that it is not feasible that the county would take over the roads anytime in the near future.  David Rivers asked for a vote to pay off the clubhouse.  David Gubin stated the Clubhouse Mortgage and Road Repair were separate issues and the roads are affecting our home values.  It was also noted that the last HOA increase was to set aside money for the roads.  Group discussed the time frame and payment options for repairing the roads.  Mike Pearson moved, and it was seconded that the board come up with three options within 60 days to be voted on concerning the clubhouse mortgage and repairing the roads.  Results were 40 yes and 5 no’s.

F.     Ozark Environmental – Chris Dean
Chris announced that Ozark Environmental has purchased White River Environmental effective April 1, 2016.  Costs for maintenance/supplies for the water/sewer system will remain the same for 2016, and there will be an increase of 15% - 20% starting 2017. 

Dan Davis stated that sometime in the future White River will not be collecting the HOA fees and Ozark Environmental has offered to handle the billing, collections, and past due notices.  HOA dues would be billed the first of each month by Ozark Environmental and due the 21st of each month.  Bookkeeping costs billed to the HOA would be based on $3.50 per household 2016 and $4.50 per household 2017 (currently $2 per household).  Discussion included an independent contractor handling some of the water repairs and bookkeeping options.  Anyone doing work on the water system needs to be certified.

Meeting was adjourned at 2:15 p.m.

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