Monday, May 4, 2015

Board Meeting Minutes April 29, 2015


Oak Creek Parkway Property Owners Association

Board Meeting

April 29, 2015 6:00 p.m. Club House

Attendees:      Chris Dean, President; Marc Foreman, Vice President; Dan Davis, Treasurer;

                        Connie Andersen, Secretary; Al Mitchell

A.    Call to Order

Chris Dean called the meeting to order at 6:02 p.m.

B.     Approval  Minutes of meeting

The May 17, 2014, minutes were approved by the Board.

C.    Set  Election Date

The Board set the Election Meeting date for Saturday, May 16, at 1 p.m.  Chris will include the proxy vote in the newsletter and ask that POA members contact Connie Andersen, Secretary, to add candidates to run for the board.  If proxy is not returned the vote will go to the Board.

D.    Review of Financial Statements - Dan Davis

Dan presented the Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Comparison reports for the Board’s review.  Dan reported that the HOA’s cash amount is up over $9,000 from last year.  The comparison for 2014-15 income and expense is better for 2015.

The Board also noted that when a home sale occurs we need to assure we receive HOA dues that are in arrears from the title company.

E.     Review of Past Due Accounts

Dan presented the White River Open Balance Report and the Board identified four owners 60 days past due on their HOA dues. Dan will send out 30-day shut off notices. 

Charges for water shut-off/on

The board reviewed the previous water shut-off/on charges from White River Electric for home owners who were 90 days past due and determined the average charge is $175.  The Board agreed that a set fee of $175 will be added to the amount the home owners who are 90 days past due will need to pay before the water is turned back on.  If a cement boot needs to be installed additional fees will be charged.  Marc motioned and Dan seconded.  Dan will add the fee charge information to the water shutoff notices.  Chris will advise the HOA members at the next meeting and add this information to the blog.

F.     Review of Water and Sewer systems- John Goff  

Chris reported that there are no issues with the water.  We are using the standard amount of water.

G.    Road Repair- Chris Dean

Chris met with the county and there are no plans for the county taking over the roads.  Chris stated we have $50,000 for road repair, and we will prioritize and repair the worst areas first.  The corner of Austin and Jackson, and Bethany will be priorities. Chris will discuss at the next meeting.

H.    Swimming Pool and Club house- Marc Foreman

Marc reported:

1.      Pool will open May 22nd.  It will be repainted and sealed as usual.

2.      Tennis court is in poor shape.  Due to water running beneath it, it has shifted even more causing large cracks.  These can be filled with concrete sealer but then would need to be repainted and striped.

3.      Clubhouse has new carpet

I.       New Items

1.      Curbing by the Tennis Courts - Chris stated that they are looking into curbing by the club house/tennis court to stop water from draining onto the tennis courts.  Chris will obtain bids for the curbing.

2.       Mowing – Chris will contact current mower that mows in the common areas.  Dan Davis has paid him twice and some areas have not been mowed.  Al obtained a new bid for lawn mowing and it is considerably higher than our current price.

3.      Review of Michael Pearson’s items for agenda.

a.       Change bylaw - Article 8, section 2 to not allow leasing in Oak Creek Parkway.  Chris stated that the law will not support an HOA that restricts a homeowner from leasing their property.  Board agreed not to change the bylaws.

b.      Change covenants to not allow basketball goals on property.  The Board discussed and were in agreement not to add to the covenants.

c.       Remove playground equipment unsafe – The Board agreed that equipment should be removed.  Chris will ask Mike to remove playground equipment.

d.      Discuss possibility of asking County to adjust property taxes down 30% based on Oak Creek Parkway’s private (not county) roads.  Chris stated that we could not pursue this as a subdivision.  Property taxes on the roads include common roads.

Chris will contact Mike with the Board’s review of his items.

4.      Adjournment
Meeting was adjourned at 6:50 p.m.

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