Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Inquiries regarding the ongoing construction


There have been some recent inquiries regarding the ongoing construction in Oak Creek Parkway.  This communication is intended to provide clarification and information regarding the activity.

The installation is being done as a part of White River Connect fiber build out.  This is an initiative by White River Valley Electric Cooperative to install fiber optic cable across its service area to provide high-speed internet.  The Cooperative through its subsidiary has embarked on a five-year build out project.  They are in year two of the project.

This is not an Oak Creek Parkway project.   The project is fully managed by White River Connect, a White River Valley Cooperative subsidiary.  The fiber cables are being installed in the public right-of-way and dedicated easements. 

While we are not privy to the project schedule it has been shared that the sequence is as follows;

1.       Excavation and installation of the conduits  (currently being installed)

2.       Installation of the fiber cables in the conduit system

3.       Installation of drops to individual residences.

This process will take several weeks to complete.  The current installation of the conduits is the most visible and disruptive.  Once the conduits and boxes are installed the contractor will clean up the excavations and seed/straw the disrupted right-of-way.  They are still a few weeks away from the current excavating phase completion.

We are extremely fortunate to be among the areas addressed earlier in the project as there are areas that are still a couple of years away from seeing activity.

If you are interested in connecting to the Cooperative fiber, I encourage you to go to the website at this web address  www.whiteriverconnect.com   to fill out the information expressing your interest.  This is not a commitment, but rather an indication of interest.  This will also enroll you in a database that will provide periodic updates of project progress from the Cooperative.

If you have questions or issues with the fiber project here are some phone numbers to White River Connect. 



I encourage patience through this process as in the end we will have access to high-speed internet and will presumably be a huge economic boost to the community and region.  This is a large undertaking for the member owned Cooperative that is not without some bumps along the way.

Be safe and make it a great day;

Oak Creek Parkway POA.

Sunday, September 15, 2024


 Because of the recent expenses acquired by the POA by the increases in doing business and multiple non-budgeted expenses related to the operation of sewer and water system, the board under Section 7.03 of the Protective covenant have determined to assess a levied to cover the extraordinary expenses.

The assessment to levied are as follows:

Residential Lots - $225 each

Undeveloped Lots - $90 each

If paid prior to the due date, a five percent discount may be taken ($213.75 for Residential lots and $85.00 for Undeveloped lots

An Assessment Invoice will be sent electronically by the treasurer via email to all owners of residential lots and undeveloped lots. The assessment is due thirty (30) days from the date of the invoice. Assessments not paid within (60) days will be determined past due and a $50.00 per month late fee will be added to the amount due. Assessments not paid within ninety (90) days will be considered delinquent.

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Election Meeting Minutes 1 June 2024, 9:00 am Club House


Attendees:  Marc Foreman, G. Ann Foreman, Chris Dean, Sandy Dean, Phillip Carroll, Angie Carroll, Greg Winters, Karen Winters, David Hedenberg, Chris Hedenberg, Mike Brandsma, Rebecca Moody, Christina John, Gene Klumper, Barbara McNutt, Mike Pearson, David Rivers, Barbara Rivers, Eddie Broyles, Brent Holland


Call to Order:

Chris Dean called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m.

Minutes approved and posted

No Additions to the Agenda

Establish Quorum  39% (49)

It was established there was a quorum present, members in attendance had no questions.

Budget Report

·         Rebecca Moody presented report (June 2023 – May 2024) $114,000 total Income, Expenses Total $90,938, Net Income, $23,025.  Balance sheet distributed to attendees.

Election of Board

·         Ballots collected

·         Requested for volunteers to count votes:

Mike Pearson, Chris Hedenberg, and Greg Winters volunteered to count votes. 


President – Phillip Carroll

Vice President – Marc Foreman

Treasurer – Rebecca Moody

Secretary – Angie Carroll



A motion was made to adjourn the meeting by David Hedenberg and was seconded by Barbara Rivers.  All were in favor.


Respectfully submitted

Angie Carroll



Sunday, May 19, 2024

Ballot for the Election of the POA Boad of Directors


The Official Ballot for the Oak Creek Parkway POA Board of Directors 2024

Please mail/email your ballot to Angie Carroll (angiecarroll68@gmail.com or mail it Box 2224 Branson West, MO 65737.  The deadline for the secretary to receive your ballot is May 29, 2024, 9:00 a.m. to place the name on the ballot.

The Ballot

Election of Oak Creek Parkway Board for Directors

June 1, 2024

Please print first and last name of your candidate of choice in the blank to the right the office.


President: ________________________________________________


Vice President: ____________________________________________


Secretary: _________________________________________________


Treasurer: _________________________________________________________


POA Owner: __________________________________________  




Addresses/Lot number (s)_____________________ Date: ______________   

By-law 5:01  No vote shall be cast for any Lot unless charges, fees, or assessments pertaining to such Lot, authorized in the Subdivision Restrictions, have been fully paid.  You can check with the Treasurer of the POA.

Offered to serve: Marc Foreman, vice-president; Rebecca Moody, treasurer; secretary, Angie Carroll, president Chris Peterson


The ballot can be presented at the meeting of June 1, 2024.  If you cannot attend the meeting a current member of POA can bring the ballot to the meeting.




Chris Peterson chris@missouriwaits.com  has been nominated for President

Agenda for Board Election 2024



Oak Creek Parkway Property Owners Association

June 01, 2024.  9:00 a.m. Club House


A.    Call to Order- Chris Dean

1.       Approval of the Minutes- Angie

2.      Additions to the Agenda


B.      FY Expenditures and Income Report- Rebecca Mood


C.    Election committee- count ballots



D.     Election of Board- Chris Dean

1.      Date: June 1, 2024 9:00 a.m.  BL 3.03

2.      Mailing address:  Oak Creek Parkway Box 2224, Branson West, MO 65737

3.      Blog: http://oakcreekparkway.blogspot.com/



E.     Adjournment

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

General Meeting of Oak Creek Parkway POA

 Chris Dean called meeting to order.

May 5, 2024 minutes were approved.

No additions to agenda

Budget Report

Report was given by Rebecca Moody.  Noted that $10,000 was budgeted for payment to rebuild the walkway at sewer plant.  Resealing roads needs to be done within two years.   There was a “scenario” sheet presented by Rebecca with different options to pay for the sealing of roads. It was decided not to touch bank account.  Further discussion was tabled until next meeting with the new board in place.

Standing Reports:

PAST DUE FEES:  Rebecca reported three properties continue to be passed due.

WATER/SEWER:  Mike Brandsma reported currently all going well.  It was communicated the walkway and ramps would be soon repaired.  Cost of that repair for galvanized steel estimated to be $9,500.00.  Brandsma communicated that Blevins came in with the best proposal of three phone bids.  Further discussion led to a motion from Rebecca Moody.  Any bid equal to or over $5,000.00 for work, the POA board will get a minimum of two written bids with the exception of emergencies (water and sewer).  These bids will be documented and presented in the next general meeting.  It was communicated that the POA Board will still do contracts per covenants.  Second by Chris Hedenberg, motion carried.

POA must have all back flow reports per federal law, send those reports to Angie Carroll to record. 

Watering schedule will be emailed out soon.  

SWIMMING POOL:  Marc Foreman reported all is well with the pool and hopes to have the pool open May 24.


Election meeting will be held June 1, 2024, 9 a.m. at the clubhouse.  If you would like to nominate an individual to the board, please email Angie Carroll.


A new email and communication system is being put in place.  Those communication emails will move over to the Secretary.

Addendums to the By-Laws:  There are two minor changes regarding leniency to parking trailers.  Those addendums were not available at the meeting and will be addressed at the election meeting next month.

Status of Litigation:

To date there has been $3,200.00 spent in legal fees with the quiet title dispute.

Deadline for the Spence mediated agreement is May 15, 2024


Mike Brandsma made a motion to adjourn, Mary Ann Wood second the motion, motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Angie Carroll


Saturday, April 20, 2024

DNR's CCR Report for 2023



The Oak Creek Parkway POA Annual Water Quality Report for 2023 can be found at http://www.dnr.mo.gov/ccr/MO5031194.pdf.

 There were no violations that occurred in the Calendar Year 2023.

If you need a written report, please contact one of the board members or send your request to Oak Creek Parkway POA, Box 2224, Branson West, MO 65737

Thank you.

Oak Creek Parkway POA Board